Live Chat Service To Your Official Business Website
With the changing time, customer service is also revolutionizing. There are different channels of customer services such as e-mails, calls, and social media. However, according to the statistics at, 32% of customers prefer a phone call, 23% prefer e-mail interaction, and 41% prefer live chat service.
Why is it so? This is because live chat support is instant, convenient, and efficient. Obviously, your customers do not like going on hold, hearing long computerized messages, and waiting for some minutes to talk to the next available representative.
They also do not like checking their e-mails every day to know whether their raised issues via tickets were resolved or not. Your customers need help now! Live text chat is one of the ideal ways to provide this immediate support.
However, its benefits extend beyond just acting as the quickest way for your customers to speak with a customer care representative. Let’s explore them, which are also the reasons to add live chat service to your website:
Building Trust:
For a seller in a physical store, there is a golden opportunity of building rapport with the customers as soon as they walk in. This increases the probability of establishing trust and initiating the sale. However, this is impossible online.
It is human nature to be cynical about purchasing items from unknown people or sources including digital ones. However, with live chat, you get the same golden opportunity to start a direct conversation with the probable customer. Through it, you can easily establish and build trust and make them get rid of their obvious suspicions.
That live chat button itself triggers some confidence in your online customers in terms of genuine response. This is the stepping stone to building trust.
Getting a Competitive Edge:
How about using it to inform your customers how your brand differs from those of the rivals? The medium of live chat is such that you get a cool opportunity to obtain a competitive edge over your contenders. With this, you can even get a new customer.
So, now, when someone asks you how you are unique, consider replying using live chat service. To further stand out, consider starting live video chat, reintroducing the offline experience online.
Increasing Orders of Different but Related Products:
Another big advantage of using live chat is that it helps you in boosting the overall sale value per order. When you use it to talk with the prospective buyer, you can recognize his or her needs. Then, you can recommend other beneficial products or services.
For example, if a buyer needs a new smartphone, a chat agent can then recommend a back or flip cover, a pair of earphones, or a charger that charges the device more quickly.
Minimizing Customer Support Outlays:
For any business, customer support is a costly affair. In a call centre, a single agent is there to handle both e-mail and call requests and, that too, one at a time. However, with a live chat tool, your support agents can respond to a maximum of six chats at once as per the degree of complexity involved, according to Telus International.
As one agent can now handle more than one chat simultaneously, you now no longer need a big team for the same. This consequently results in decreased support costs. Moreover, live chat is certainly cheaper than phone calls, isn’t it?
Reducing Reiteration for Customers:
Would you like to describe any issue over and over again? Indeed, customers expect that the agent with whom they are talking knows their support history details without asking for them.
With a good live chat tool, agents can go through the text that the customer has already supplied while checking other details. This encompasses details such as notes from former interactions and the screen the customer is going through.
Some utilities in a chat tool also allow sharing a screen, sending links, or sharing screenshots so that the concerned customer gets a better resolution or direction.
Offering 24/7 Support:
Your customers can be anywhere across the globe. There is no telling as to when they will need help from you. Thus, they expect your support team to interact with them instantly when they are in need, regardless of whether it is day or night. Live chat makes this possible for you, especially by using artificial intelligence and machine learning scripts that help in answering in absence of a representative.
Obtaining Useful Logs:
It is important to track all customer interactions for future references. This data in the form of logs can be used to identify the types of issues or queries customers had and responses were given to them. A good live chat tool will provide you with these logs. Your support representatives can quickly find solutions by referring to these previous logs.
Having Anytime Hassle-free Access:
Chatting can be done from any location in a cost-efficient manner, making it suitable for communication in tough times that can be due to civil war, natural disaster, or pandemics. This makes it a highly reliable medium for helping your customers when they desperately need it.
Enhancing Website Experience:
With live chat, your customers need not distract themselves from what they are doing by dialling your contact number or sending an e-mail to ask something. Rather, they can now ask and get an answer instantly from a live chat agent.
This is crucial, especially while in the middle of buying or subscribing. Customers are likely to quit if they do not get answers to their questions immediately. However, this will now not happen. As a business benefit, customers coming in contact via live chat are likely to buy.
While live chat is present on product and landing pages, it is also beneficial to use it in unusual places, such as deleted or 404 pages. Seeing a 404 page simply tells the customers that this page does not exist. Instead, you can initiate live chat and help them find what they want.
“Live chat helps in boosting support experience, agent productivity, and customer comprehension. So why not have one now?”