Padah Solutions

Integration Services

Don’t believe us?

Try integrating your services now! 

Now work with all your BEST tools by simply integrating them together in ONE place! And why work hard while you still can relax and work smart? We know you are smart. So, try integrating your really smart tools for your organisation because your one OEM cannot deliver everything that you need.

Jira Software

The Jira Software is your one-stop solution if your journey is to build DevOps practice or ALM/SDLC.

When you integrate all the tools for everyone in your office, right from the CXO to the Team leaders, you not only get a single dashboard but also do not hustle from one platform to another.  


Likewise, you need a single place to look at the pain points of your customers for improved customer experience before they raise a red flag or move out of your customer list. 

So, if you are tired of your customers raising a red flag or moving out often, try integrating your tools right now! 

Here’s exactly how we do integration for you 

Plug-in- we do plugin integration with all leading ERP, CRM, BPM applications and SaaS software example Atlassian, Zendesk, Freshdesk, Salesforce, Magento etc. 


API - our experienced team of developers can help your organization in any open API. API are better suited to get the most functionality out of any service. 

Custom developed plug-in Our development team is always ready to help you integrate custom developed API or developing your own custom API, giving you better control on features extended. 

Many customers have tried integrating them from Padah as per their unique needs.

Now get yours done too!